
To our dear sweetest Maddie,

We miss you more than words could ever say, life is just not the same without you. I still leave & look for you in the window, I go to hand you a treat but you’re not here, I think I hear you at the door so I go to lead you out, at night I rest on the couch it’s painstakingly quite. I miss your snoring, snorts, silly behavior & yes, even your toots! which always brought us such laughter. Until then I hold close all the happy times we had together. I replay them in my mind over & over. You truly were the best Frenchie I could have asked for. I’m blessed God led me to rescue you. I cherish the 13 great years we were given. I’m happy for Mimi & Jack to have gotten to play with you & ridden you as their horse. Mama loves you my sweet angel, I would do anything to hold you close once again. One day we’ll go over the Rainbow Bridge together, until then stay outta trouble & have fun my little frog dog.

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