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MaxRoyal Oak, MIMax you were a trooper till the end. Pho-Toe. A broken leg, torn ACL, a BB in your back, missing a toe - yet you never showed it. You were amazing and I love you and miss you terribly. Rest in peace my good friend and keep your spirit with me always.
Sadie TillmanRoyal Oak, MISadie Girl.. Our hearts are broken because you are gone you were such a good girl, you gave us so much and many great memories of you to treasure.....that will in time mend our hearts ! Cherokee still looking around the house for you I am giving her all my love for us she also misses you and at time cry's too , I hope you finally got your good nite sleep and you found April and your running Free .... not a day will go by that we will not think of you Sadie you were s
BuzzNaples, FLMemorial to Buzz, our unusually calm and quiet Jack Russell.He was a very funny snuggly creature who gave more love than his little shape should have been able to hold. He was a rescue, found bruised and abandoned by the side of the road in Acton Maine, and we adopted him on the summer solstice, June 21, 2004, and that was his birthday to us. He more than filled the void left by the passing of our last Jack Russell, Alice. Even weeping, I still laugh when I think of his
CookieCharlotte, NCfly high angel my heart aches for you. i miss you with every atom in my body. you were the best dog someone could have. i will love you endlessly, i'm so thankful you're not suffering anymore. i'll miss you getting so excited when i asked you if you wanted to go for a walk, i'll miss you sleeping with me, i'll miss being able to hug you when i'm upset. i'll miss everything about you so so so much. you'll always have a place in my heart, you loved everyone
“Winnie”Royal Oak, MI"Winnie" you were the pure definition of a Bullmastiff, you truly embraced this breed, a peeeless protector, a loyal friend and an amazing soul. You came into our life to filled someone ese shoes, who left us way too early, our baby Nala, and you sewed our broken hearts with your love and gave us almost 9 amazing years!, you grew up with the boys and stole Giancarlo's heart. You taught him how to take care of someone and how to pour your heart in when you love somebody,
LillyRoyal Oak, MILilly was a very special companion , she was loved and very loveable she enjoyed car trips going to Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Lilly loved camping at Holly Rec Area and The KOA in Oscoda Michigan, she loved her walks she would know when you brought out her harness and leash. Lilly was a companion to Mark and me, many great memories Lilly will be missed dearly.
GingerRoyal Oak, MIRest Peacefully Ginger. Tho our time was short, the three years since I rescued you have been amazing.
NgoziNorthwest IndianaThis is the other half of "The Beastie Boyz". This is Kwazi's brother Ngozi. I lost him almost a year after Kwazi who died 3/9/16. I am comforted when I think of them together once again at the Rainbow Bridge. Ngozi was such a momma's boy and I spoiled him as he so richly deserved. He holds a special place in my heart.
- BAILEY (Golden Bailey’s Irish Dream-AKC)Royal Oak, MIWe had to say good bye to our beautiful Bailey. Our hearts are broken but we know she is pain free and happy. She brought us over 13 years of unconditional love and joy, and we are so grateful for that. You are loved forever, my sweet girl. I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in Heaven.
MephistoRoyal Oak, MIYou brought us more joy, laughter, love and happiness than could ever be measured. You remain in our hearts forevermore.